When I set up this blog, I wanted to find like- minded crafty people, but also feature amazing talents and with a permission ramble on and on about the finds over excitedly to people who would probably also appreciate these beautiful souls:)
For those who have yet to discover this lovely artist; allow me to introduce you: Astulabee or Nicole Licht by her real name. She is an artist, teacher and a mother living in Brooklyn, New Your, United States.
"I believe that those things loved and valued are all the more so when they contain the care and thought of the maker. Objects that inspire a good story, a tender approach or, a burst of laughter are the best!" *
I had actually purchased a piece of hers back in early January 2010 called "You know I Miss You" via Etsy.
But what actually lead me back to her fantastic world was an accidentally spotted tiny little photo at the bottom of my Flickr page. Why it was on my page, I don't know, and why the word Astulabee jumped out and created an instant association in my tiny brain, is a mystery. I have frequently followed her Etsy page, but what drove me "over the edge" was THIS photo of her work called "Atticus":)
Aaaah, drool!
OR This!
Well, judge for yourself; please take a moment to view her fantastic work! Check out those amazing soft sculptures... Foxes, Fawns, Wolves, Kitties and all. Not to forget to mention them delicate hand embroidered
pieces, phew! Here's the link to her Flickr account! And please, check out her blog and website linked at the beginning of the post:) Please enjoy!
- All photos and the artist related text
© Nicole Licht / Astulabee
x X x
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