Thursday, 14 November 2013

AB + Punahallakko Giveaway


And yei; Boutique portal in a co-op with blogger
AnKa from Punahallakko are having a Funky Homo sapiens giveaway:)

On offer this OOAK necklace featuring a vintage fawn and 8mm wooden beads;
hand beaded with tons of love:)

To enter; please leave a comment on Punahallakko's page
All photies © AnKa / Punahallakko
Thank you so much, I love them- so pretty!:)

Good luck! Ends Nov 23rd!

Funky Homo sapiens in Facebook
x x x

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Charity Auction ends Nov 15th!

Save the Dogs (Kodittomien Koirien Ystävät) is organising a charity auction to raise funds for Romanian dogs!
Funky Homo sapiens has donated this OOAK vegan hound collar, a Saluki necklace and a pair of wooden kitty stud earrings:)

                                                      The collar measures 35- 38cm x 5cm. 

Please hurry, the auction ends Nov 15th +2GMT!

Over 70 donated pieces to choose from:) 

Please place your bid by commenting each product you like (bidding in Euros), BUT IF you are from ABROAD/ OVERSEAS, please check from the item donator first, as we are all donating the shipping as well!

I will post my, Funky Homo sapiens, pieces worldwide!:)

Good luck!
Any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at

x x x

Monday, 11 November 2013


Kaikkea ihanaa, erityisproggista ja jännittävää luvassa muutaman viikon sisään. Harmittaa, kun ei oikein pysty pysähtymään ja nauttimaan- Stressimasu, unenpuute ja murhe kissan terveydestä; eilen illalla tuli takapakkia:(

Tänään, MA 11.11.2013, kuitenkin on:
 Funky Homo sapiensin päivä Bellaputiikissa:)
Facebookissa infoa myös:)

Ihanaa, aurinkoista, stressivapaata ja inspiroivaa uutta viikkoa!
x x x

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Nuppu has fallen ill:(

Urgent personal appeal for my sickly fallen 11 year old kitty, Nuppu:(
I spent yesterday (Saturday 2nd) at an emergency clinic.
I'm missing 305euros from the vet's bill, due friday Nov. 8th:(
As a desperate personal appeal to raise the funds, I've placed 
everything on sale at the web boutique!

To redeem the code, please write "NUPPU" at the bottom left 
corner at the shopping basket. Absolutely everything is on offer; rare Funky Bambies, hound collars, 925 Sterling silver pieces- everything OOAK! Brand new handmade jewellery, last minute Father's Day gifts- Everything!

Tons of apologies, hope I'm not offending anyone by sharing!:(

Today, Sunday: Nuppu appears to be better and more alert. Has been playing and running about, but heavily medicated so slightly on my toes, and not hundred percent sure how he really is. Vet will give more info tomorrow about any possible inflammation, and if we need more meds, or additional drainage of his urethra.

Nuppu will be on a special diet for the rest of his life, but I'm not too worried about that. Luckily things have evolved within the 10 years when I had my first experience of special dietary foods for kitties. Now I have 6 brands to choose from, rather than just one, and one flavor!

Fingers tightly crossed

The code is only applicable today, Nov 3rd and Monday 4th. That's simply because I wouldn't be able to process the payment for Friday in time:(

Thank you! 
Lots of love for everyone who have already come to Nuppu's aid!
Special thank you for those lovely personal letters of encouragement!
x x x 

Saturday, 21 September 2013


Thank you so much!
We've reached 400 likes on Facebook, which means 
a gift card raffle, weee!
Every page liker is eligible to win!
Winner will be drawn Saturday, September 28th
at 22:22 (+2GMT)- Good luck to whom it may concern:)

Gift card will be valid HERE
Have a wonderful weekend:)
x x x

Monday, 16 September 2013

POP UP @ Korjaamo 2013

Funky Homo sapiens- Boutique will be POP UPping
@ Kulttuurikeskus Korjaamo
Töölönkatu 51 A-B, Helsinki, Finland

September 20th to October 20th
Grand Opening will be held THU Sept. 19th

Designers represented are:

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Christmas Countdown 2013

It's official!
Christmas Countdown 2013 has officially started
Sunday September 15th, making it 100 days to go!
100 days and 14 Saturdays to go! Eek (lovely!):)

Have a beautiful, special Sunday:)

Funky Homo sapiens' OOAK Funky Bambi
available HERE 
x x x

Friday, 6 September 2013

Wonderful Whippets

A pair of beautiful miniature gazelle- like whippets
came for a surprise visit, and had a play in the garden:)

Meet Moa (MaXwin Gamma)
Born September 21st 2010

And, Nanna (Paletin Rainbow)
Born August 19th 2007
x x x

Thursday, 5 September 2013

FHS @ Limbo Boutique 14.9.2013

Helsinki Design Week Presents:
Bring your own trinkets and tiny treasures to Limbo Boutique, and Funky Homo sapiens will turn them into unique pieces of jewellery! If you don't have anything, please don't fret! We'll be bringing tons of spares for you to rummage through!:) 

material cost is 4euros
earrings and necklace charms only

Other pieces like stud earrings which will take 24hours to sit,  or beaded  necklaces - I'll be more than happy to make and mail you afterwards:) Difficult materials like heavy metals or porcelain will have to be prepared at the home studio, but please bring everything and we'll figure it out together!:)

If unsure what to bring, please e-mail info(AT)

See you at Limbo Boutique
Annankatu 13, 00120 Helsinki
SAT 14.9.2013 at 11-16 o'clock

Facebook event HERE
Funky Homo sapiens in Facebook HERE
Limbo in Facebook HERE

Thank you:)
x x x 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Funky Homo sapiens SYKSY 2013

Ihanaa elokuun alkua, toivottavasti kesä on sujunut erinomaisesti ja rentouttavasti!
Ilmoitusluontoisesti muutama päivämäärä syksylle 2013:

- KE 14.8.2013 klo 15- 19:00 juhlitaan AstuButiikkiin- nettiportaalin avajaisia. AstuButiikkiin on uusi suomalaisia käsityö- ja muotoilualan pienyrittäjiä yhteenkokoava sivusto, jossa on tällä hetkellä mukana jo n. 80yrittäjää. Avajaisia vietetään Torikorttelien viime viikolla avatussa, uudistetuissa tiloissa, Made By Helsinki- kollektiivin sisäpihalla, osoitteessa Katariinankatu 4, Helsinki. Tapahtumassa on näytillä, ja myynnissä myös osallistuvien yritysten töitä ja mahdollisuus juhlistaa kotimaisella kuohuvalla, sekä muitakin paikallisesti valmistettuja herkkuja on tarjolla:) 

Funky Homo sapiens ei harmillisesti työkiireiden takia ole mukana juhlistamassa, mutta käykää ihmeessä tutustumassa:). Itse sivusto aukeaa syyskuun alussa. Tässä linkki portaalin facebook-sivuille, jossa voi seurata sivuston askelia reaaliajassa, sekä osallistua vaikka muutaman viikon välein vaihtuviin tuotearvontoihin.

- SU 25.8.2013 klo 11- 18:00, Funky Homo sapiens @ DesignOnTampereen Designtori- tapahtumassa, joka tällä kertaa järjestetään ulkona, Sorin Aukiolla (Hatanpään Valtatie 5, Tampere). Tila on katettu, joten sadesääkään ei haittaa:) Tapahtumaan on vapaa pääsy, lämpimästi tervetuloa! DesignOnTampereen facebook- sivuilla voi seurata Tamperelaisia paikallistapahtumia designin ja -kulttuurin alalta.

- LA 14.9.2013 Funky Homo sapiens näyttäytyy Limbo- Boutiquessa, Annankatu 13, Helsinki. Ihana Limbo on ollut meidän johtava jälleenmyyjämme jo 7-vuotta; Olemme mukana Helsinki Design Weekin alla olevassa tapahtumassa, joka sitoo Punavuoren Design Districtin putiikit yhteen:) Tästä tulee vielä lisäinfoa, mutta alustava idea oli, että asiakkailla olisi mahdollisuus tuoda riipuksia/koruaihioita tai kierrätettäviä esineitä, joita minä sitten muokkailisin sinulle persoonallisiksi ja henkilökohtaisiksi koruiksi:) Tapahtumaan on vapaa pääsy, mutta koska aika on rajallinen ja osallistujien määrä hankala arvioida -kiireisenä päivänä voi olla, että joudumme rajoittamaan tuotteiden valmistuksen irtoriipuksiin (ketjulla) ja roikkukorvakoruihin, mutta minun puolesta voin mielelläni myös ottaa materiaaleja kotiin vietäväksi, jos esimerkiksi oma custom- kaulakoru kiinnostaisi:) Helmittely on harmillisesti sen verran hidasta puuhaa, ja nappikorvakorujenkin pitää asettua 24tuntia, mutta tule ihmeessä mukaan- suunnitellaan ja intoillaan yhdessä:) 

Tämän osalta lisäinfoa voi seurata vaikka meidän, Funky Homo sapiensin facebook- sivuilla. Limbon aukioloajat on lauantaisin auki 11- 16:00.

- Funky Homo sapiens- Boutique POP UPpailee Kulttuurikeskus Korjaamon tiloissa 20.9 - 20.10.2013 (Töölönkatu 51 A), jännittävää!:) Emme harmillisesti saaneet ottaa kaikkia tuotemerkkejä mukaan, joten olemme mukana tyttö- kokoonpanolla:) Mukana siis Funky Homo sapiens, Andy Eats Only Candy, Hanna-Kaisa K, Nouseva Myrsky ja Jenny Lindh! Pop Uppiin on tulossa runsaasti uusia tuoteuutuuksia ja -tuoteryhmiä jokaiselta merkilta. FHS:ltä mainittakoon mm. iso lauma Funky Bambeja, joita listailen nettikauppaan tässä tulevien viikkojen aikana:)

Korjaamon nettisivut (löytyy myös facebookista):

AVAJAISIA vietetään torstaina 19.9 klo 18-20:00. Avajaisiin on vapaa pääsy, mutta tilat rajoittavat osallistujien määrän, joten ystävällisesti pyydän, jos haluaisit osallistua juhlallisuuksiin kanssamme, ilmoittautuisitko mukaan sähköpostillasi (info(AT) :) Korjaamo hoitaa viralliset kutsut sähköisesti. Minun pitäisi ensi viikolla (15.8) toimittaa avajaisten kutsulista, toivottavasti pääsisit mukaan, ja lämpimästi tervetuloa!:) 

Kiitos tuhannesti! Aurinkoista elokuuta!
x x x

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Kid Sister

Meet Lil'Babs, 11 weeks old, or Babu at home.
Born January 2013 in our neighbouring village Nummi-Pusula, 
now lives and plays in Espoo:)

She is my parent's new, tiny little calico kitten they adopted
 after 15 years of grieving for the loss of our first cat, Jassu.

She's been named after my mum's favourite singer Barbra Streisand, 
but shhh! - Don't tell anyone;) Like my kid brother, Jason,
who certainly has NOT been named after her son;)

x x x

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Have a Happy Easter!:)

Commission bespoke Funky Homo sapiens 100% Vegan hound collar, 
and a matching pair of stud earrings for the hound owner, yum!:)

Have a beautiful Easter! 

Please note that the Funky Homo sapiens 10th anniversary 
celebration -30% sale on all accessories ends Sunday 
31st of March 2013!  All newbies included- Our gift to you!:) 
x x x

Friday, 22 March 2013

Quinoa Week pt. 2

Part two of my Quinoa week;
 I wasn't too excited to even blog about these following two as they look so bland, and for the first time pretty much ever (in my adult life), I didn't enjoy what I had created (from a recipe)

This "Sunshine Carrot - Tofu Scramble"- breakfast wasn't to my liking (Big Vegan p.69), it was ok-ish, but for something that eats quite expensive raw materials like tofu and spinach (in Fnland at least), it was bland and tasteless even after I tried to save it afterwards by adding some spices, and raw tofu (and spicing it) being a familiar material to me.

Please mind my huge salad on the left- which I'm addicted to. Most people usually have their salads on/or as a side dish, but I like the combination of "cold" and fresh next to something warm. With main course, I enjoy it just raw and green, nothing added, but I do love proper salads with various add-ons too:)

Anyhows, the scramble included grated carrots, firm tofu, yellow 
bell pepper, quinoa, spinach and spices. 
Asparagus- Quinoa Risotto:
I don't even recall the last time I've had such colourless looking food, heh! One thing that bothered me about this "Big Vegan"- book was its utter lack of visual pleasure. The book advertises 350 recipes; it is thick as a brick, but within those 544 pages there's roughly estimated 10+ picture pages. BUT, ha, now after having tried some of the recipes I understand why, heh:) There's nothing to show! If these two meals were photographed I quite probably wouldn't have tried them out:) -Fair enough!:)

BUT even having had my rant, this risotto was actually really good:) .. although I did alter the recipe a little, but only on the risotto- part by following the instructions on my risotto- box, and having the quinoa already made (read sprouted) rather than cooking them simultaneously with the risotto rice.

I've actually never made risotto before, strange. We had it at school quite often, and it wasn't bad, but it's just never occurred to me to make some. And sadly my asparagus came from a jar (tut tut!), 'cause all the fresh ones were sold out:( But I'm rather exited about this risotto now and will defo be making more, with added COLOUR!;)

The Risotto above ate risotto rise (no shit Sherlock!), asparagus, quinoa, onion, white wine and spices. I don't drink alcohol, I just simply don't enjoy it... yet another BUT, I was offered to have some of the "leftover" with the dinner, and this Sauvignon Blanc was really good! I was in total awe. If I ought to choose a wine I'd choose red no matter what food it would traditionally be associated with - much to my surprise, this stuff below still brings a happy smile to my face when I think about its taste:) I don't know if this Sauvignon Blanc would be regarded as rubbish by those more intellectual wine loving individuals, but I liked it! YUM, if that's a word one could use about a  wine:) Light, fresh, cheery and apple'y:) + fairtrade is a bonus:)
Having complained about the lack of visuals on the Big Vegan- book, other minuses for such a heavy book are the paper covers. It's silly, but I really hate it when books get greases to the spine, ugh! This book is after all been designed for continuous use, I can't even imagine what it will look like after couple of months.

On the recipes as such I can't yet comment, but even with those instant "negatives", the book is slowly growing on me. I think it's probably more enjoyed by the beginner vegetarians and vegans:) But I'm slightly worried with (i.e. the two samples above), that the book gives a wrong example of veggie food; nothing kills enthusiasm as fast as food being bland and colourless, and veggie food already having the status of mushy "rabbit food" amongst some carnivores. But having said this, I've literally only tested such a few recipes AND the book has 5 stars on so I do maintain my great expectations!:)

One other good thing for us Europeans, the book being American, is that next to those strange, heh, cup and oz- measurements, there's ml's, so it makes making and baking so much easier!:)
Have a wonderful and joyeux weekend!
x x x 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Quinoa Week

I'm celebrating a "Quinoa Week":) 
I decided to test as many recipes I would be able to find from my cookbooks, or online. As it makes sense to make a slightly larger batch at once, I have plenty to work on:)

We're also celebrating our 14th anniversary today, March 19th, so I prepared a good breakfast, as we rarely have a chance to sit down properly as a family (in the mornings), and neither of us hardly ever have time to stop for breakfast.

Rye bread with avocado, pea sprouts, spring onion and Romaine lettuce, yum!
Freshly juiced oranges, lush!
This isn't necessary part of the breakfast setting, but I made it ready for lunch or dinner as I thought it might taste the best when cooled down a bit. This is "Mineralized Protein Rich Quinoa Salad" from an e-book I ordered from Spirulina Junkie. The recipe is originally from Chef Franky G / Frank Giglio (

The salad contains Sprouted Quinoa, pea sprouts, Dulce seaweed,  Spirulina, Hemp seeds, a carrot, onion, garlic and spices.  
How to sprout Quinoa (Kvinoa tai Quinoa in Finnish) ?
It is said when sprouting Quinoa, one helps to break down the physic acid, which allows for better absorption of nutrients and mineral.
- Soak your desired amount of seeds (i.e 2dl) in water for 2hours
- Strain, rinse and spread evenly on a plate.  Leave in room temperature for 12-24 hours (mine took 12hours) until they've grown a little tail:) 
- Rinse again, and bring to boil a little until tender
- Let them cool down, use immediately and/or store the rest in refrigerator
Quinoa cookies! From -"Big Vegan"- book, or officially "Almond Butter- Quinoa cookies, with Apricot", ha:) Page 471. These are so delicious and heavy, in a good way, fresh, airy, but heavy enough for not being able to stuff ones face with the whole batch at one sit. Instead; one cookie will take you far and will keep ones tummy satisfied for hours (in my opinion, ha!:))

They eat almond butter, agave syrup, canola oil (American English for rapeseed oil), little bit of flour (of your choice), chickpea flour, quinoa flakes ( I used quinoa flour), coarsely chopped almonds, dried apricots and spices. Everything I used was pure and organic:) And only thing I left out was an almond extract, as I didn't have any, but I don't think I missed out on flavour anyway:)

Dogs (and cats!) have been mad for everything quinoa!
That's Halla, the Afghan Hound, on mummy's cookie platter, tut tut!
14 years and many more!
Have a beautiful and sunny Tuesday!
x x x 

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

March Madness

Funky Homo sapiens 10- years! Everything must go!
All Funky Homo sapiens accessories -30% at the 
web boutique, and the following retailers:

Happy Shopping!:)
x x x

Friday, 1 March 2013

Ooo, Bambi sightings!

Eight (1st march 2013) rarely available OOAK Funky Homo sapiens
Funky Bambies have been listed to the web Boutique HERE

x x x
Varpu in quality control duty, meow! 
x x x

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Funky Homo sapiens @ Ivana Helsinki

a Herd of Funky Homo sapiens' Funky Bambies have landed to Ivana Helsinki! They're only available for a limit time from February 1st to 21st, so if you have a chance, please go and have a look:)

Before my drop off to Ivana Helsinki, I had a luncheon in Boulevardi's Cafe Ekberg, with beautiful Ina who had just arrived from Switzerland for a long weekend in Helsinki:) I never have a change, or have time, to go anywhere so it was ever so lovely to be able to sit down, relax, have something nice to eat and to catch up:) Thank you so much Ina!
Warm goat cheese salad, yummy! 
Ina had a Finnish Cinnamon Bun:)
.. And here they are, Funky Bambies on their way to the Ivana Helsinki's Boutique, 
Uudenmaankatu 15, 00150 Helsinki
IF you're out and about on Thursday 14th, yup, the Valentine's, please pop into Ivana Helsinki:) We're hoasting a "Funky Valentine"- event where one can sew anything you like, or for example, in Valentine's spirit, a pretty heart shaped brooch, hair accessory, or a hanging tag using awesome Ivana Helsinki- fabrics, buttons and trimmings!:) Moi, am available for tips and sewing guidance should one need any:) AND it doesn't cost you a penny! 

Here's the event on Facebook
Please join us at any time between 15- 19:00:) Welcome!

ALSO; a Ivana Helsinki retrospect at Helsinki Design Museum
"Matkalla Kotiin" / "Coming Home" viewing Ivana Helsinki's 15 year career within the Finnish Fashion Industry! Exhibition is running between 1st of february to 7th of April 2013.  @ Korkeavuorenkatu 23, 00130 Helsinki

x x x

Monday, 11 February 2013

Brand Nubies 2013

Lots of Brand Newbies Have Arrived to the Boutique, wee! 
NEW! Nouseva Myrsky Lee- earrings!
I love the flowy-ness and the texture of these new wicked Lee's:) 
Our Brand NEW! Designer, Hanna- Kaisa K. with her NEW! beautiful 
Crocheted Necklaces and Earrings! Love the combined roughness of the heavy duty clasps and D-rings with the delicate cotton shapes
NEW! Unisex T's from Andy Eats Only Candy with the designers beautiful and funny animal- inspired illustrations:) Hand screen printed in Joensuu, Yum yum yum! 
NEW! Double sided , hound- inspired cards has arrived from Polkka Jam! These tickle me tummy so bad! Vuff vuff  
x x x 

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